Today I am going to answer the following question, than I find very interesting: Reading or telling stories?
Well, as my teachers Irune and Susana have taught me over these years, there are books that are made for read and other ones that are made for tell. Is very important to know which of these strategies is better to use in each case.
What I mean is that there are books we must read, because they have beautiful texts that have been written to be read; that have rhymes, instructions or sentences that can not be change because a variation change all the story. But, there are other books that we can learn by heart. That is, we can read them several times to learn the story and then tell them with our own words. This allows us to make the necessary variations to adapt the story to our students (vocabulary, sentences, words...)
For all these reasons, my answer is that in infant education we have to use both of them. As teachers, we have to be able to choose properly. If we do not do it well, it can affect in the motivation or in the correct understanding of the story.
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